Find out how much you could be owed from unclaimed tax refunds. You can also find out more by reading our online guide.
Military tax refunds made easy.
No tax refund, No charge!
It’s simple, if you don’t get paid neither do we. with a flat fee of 25% plus VAT we work on a no-fee basis*. Unless we are successful in claiming the tax back you’re entitled to we won’t ask for a penny.
Online application
Our simple online application only takes only a few minutes – you can even apply on your smartphone or tablet! What’s more there’s no messy paperwork!
Lightning fast payout
Our team process around 200 claims per month which means once you’ve sent in your application you could be paid within 8 weeks providing we receive your documents promptly and there is no hold up with HMRC.
Some more about us...
We are a tax rebate specialist company based in Bristol, working to get rebates for serving and ex-forces personnel since 2015. Founded by two ex-Paras and working with a chartered accountant of 30 years, we have a vast experience in talking to both Military personnel and HMRC.
Our dedicated and knowledgeable team take your information about your service and postings, work out how much you are owed and work with HMRC to provide you with your tax rebate. We have served thousands of people and paid out over £4,000,000 in rebates.
Check out the stats for yourself
We are a dedicated team with ex-military personnel who have years of experience dealing with soldiers, sailors and airmen. We know how to process military tax reclaims and have experience dealing with the MOD and HMRC. We receive over 200 claims per month and only deal with the military so we have the expertise to process your claim hassle-free.
Average Claim
Claims per month
Application success rate
Claims processed
“Forces Money provided an excellent service, the inital forms were simple to fill out and their contact throughout the process was quick and clear, even sometimes replying when I did not expect them to (evenings, weekends). When the funds had come through from HMRC it was transferred to me quickly aswell. I would recommend their services if you are looking to complete a tax rebate.” –
Alex, Army, December 16
“A friend recommended this service to me and I can't thank her enough. It was a very easy online application process, excellent communication throughout and from start to finish it only took around 6 weeks. Everyone should apply as you never know what you are entitled to.” –
Joanna, Army, October 16
““Extremely easy to do, send in a few documents when they ask for them and they send you the money at the end. It has taken just over two months in total. Easy to communicate with through the whole experience. If you haven't done it already stop being lazy and just do it, it takes at most 30 mins of your time in total and for a lot of money.” –
Roy, Army, January 17